RCTC promotes rail safety to help reduce the number of rail-related accidents in Riverside County.
Rail Safety is Everyone's Responsibility
With frequent freight and passenger trains traveling through Riverside County, RCTC actively promotes rail safety education with comprehensive marketing and public outreach programs to increase rail safety awareness at schools, businesses, and communities throughout Riverside County – especially those near railroad tracks.
From downtown Riverside to Box Springs to the Coachella Valley, there are hundreds of miles of railroad tracks in Riverside County. Every day, commuters, students, and residents must cross train tracks. Please remember to cross only at designated rail crossings.
RCTC takes part in community events and in-person presentations to educate communities about how to stay safe near tracks and trains.
September is Rail Safety Month

September is Rail Safety Month and RCTC continues to partner with California Operation Lifesaver to increase awareness of the dangers of trespassing on railroad tracks in Riverside County. Whether you are on foot or in a vehicle, being on or near railroad tracks in areas other than designated rail crossings is not only illegal, but also incredibly dangerous.
Let’s commit to keeping our communities safe together. Your promise to help each other stay alert, obey signals, and spread awareness makes all the difference.
General Rail Safety Tips
- Remember that trains approach faster and stop slower than they appear! Never overestimate how safe you are.
- Always look both ways before crossing tracks. Always stay alert and eliminate distractions.
- Always cross at designated crossings. Pay attention to and obey warning signs and signals.
- Never walk on tracks. It is illegal and highly dangerous.
- Trains are big! They overhang tracks. Always stay at least 15 feet from the tracks.
- Never stop your vehicle on the tracks. If you stall or get stuck, get all passengers out and then get help.
- Trains always have the right-of-way, so get out of the way! Don’t speed to beat the train, just wait it out.
Rail safety presentations are available to schools, businesses, and organizations in Riverside County.
If you are interested in scheduling a rail safety presentation, please contact us by clicking on the button below or by email at: RailSafetyEducation@rctc.org
We encourage everyone to help spread critical rail safety tips that could save lives. Your continued support in sharing this important message is vital to keeping our community safe. Download the helpful toolkit by using the button below.
RCTC owns and operates all of the nine Metrolink stations that serve Riverside County. All stations are ADA-compliant and are staffed with 24-hour security guards. Amenities include parking, vending machines, connecting bus service, and bicycle facilities (lockers, shells, racks).
For station information, please visit the RCTC Passenger Rail webpage.