RCTC plans and implements transportation and transit improvements, assists local governments with money for local streets and roads, helps smooth the way for commuters and goods movement, and ensures that everyone in Riverside County has access to transportation.
Applicants requesting permission to enter, construct and/or maintain improvements on RCTC property must execute a written agreement prior to commencement of the project or use. RCTC grants License Agreements and Rights of Entry (ROE) only. A License Agreement is required for longer term uses of RCTC property (construction of facilities, structures, crossings and other long term uses). A ROE is required for all temporary uses of or temporary access to RCTC property (surveys, potholing and other short term uses). A separate request must be submitted for each entry. Before a License or ROE can be issued, the applicant must submit a complete application for review and approval. You may download a pdf of the entire Application Process by clicking here to see the ROE application form PDF.
- General Application Form
- Required Supplemental Applications:
- Pipeline Facilities – Water, sewage, oil, natural gas, petroleum, storm drains, etc.
- Wire Line Facilities – Phone, fiber optic, CATV, electric
- Grade Crossing/Access – Vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, bridge, and livestock crossing/access
- Private Use – Spur tracks, fences, patios, landscaping, slope work, storage, etc.
- Right of Entry – Geotechnical survey/inspection, seismograph survey, movie production, potholing, temporary construction access and other temporary use projects
- Note: In July 1997, the Commission adopted the policy of not allowing new billboards on RCTC property. Existing billboards have been allowed to remain at current fair market value prices.
- For uses other than those described above, please contact the Property Agent at 951.787.7141
- Building plans in electronic (pdf) format
- Application fees: $6,000 for license or $1,000 for ROE
- Certificate of Insurance
Periodically, property owned by the Riverside County Transportation Commission is identified to be surplus, with no future use for transportation purposes. After Noticing of Public Agencies, the property then may be offered for sale to the general public. RCTC owned properties may also be leased out to private parties if the need is not immediate. Properties available offered for sale or lease will be listed under the Available Properties section below.
RCTC also acquires property for the construction of transportation projects. In these rare circumstances, RCTC contacts property owners that may be affected during the planning phases of any new project to make sure they are fully informed at each stage of the process. If the final approved project requires RCTC to acquire land from individual property owners, they are compensated at full market value for their property.
- LAND FOR LEASE – Wilson Ave and W Placentia Ave, Perris, CA APN(S) 300-210-08, 019, 020, 021
- LAND FOR LEASE – Wilson Ave and W Placentia Ave, Perris, CA APN 300-210-016
- LAND FOR LEASE – E Frontage Rd and W Placentia Ave, Perris, CA APN 305-050-036
- LAND FOR LEASE – Indian Ave and W Placentia Ave, Perris, CA APN 305-070-005
All entities and individuals proposing to enter RCTC property, shall obtain, and shall require any consultant or contractor working on its behalf, to obtain insurance of the types and amounts described below. Applicant must provide original executed Certificates of Insurance that clearly evidence all insurance required and provide that such insurance shall not be canceled, allowed to expire, or be materially reduced in coverage, except on 30 days’ prior written notice to RCTC. RCTC shall have the sole discretion to determine whether the certificates and endorsements presented comply with the applicable provisions.
If the project involves railroad right of way, the following insurance requirements apply:
Commercial General Liability Insurance – $2,000,000 per occurrence/$10,000,000 in aggregate; the policy shall include RCTC and its officials, officers, employees, agents and consultants as insureds and shall contain no special limitations on the scope of coverage or the protection afforded to these insureds. It will be primary with respect to any insurance or self-insurance programs covering RCTC, its officials, officers, employees, agents and consultants. The insurance will also contain standard separation of insured provisions.
Railroad Protective Liability – $2,000,000 single limit/$6,000,000 aggregate (if applicable). Most general liability insurance excludes railroads. In some situations, RCTC has agreed to require Railroad Protective Liability Insurance on behalf of rail lines with operating rights on RCTC’s owned lines. The determination of whether this insurance is required for a particular right of entry or license will be made on a case by case basis based, in part, on any potential contractual commitment RCTC has made to a rail line to require such insurance. RCTC reserves the right to require the immediate procurement of adequate Railroad Protective Liability insurance by the applicant in the event it is required by a rail freight carrier and RCTC consents to the rail carrier’s requirement, even if the requirement is actually imposed during the term of the license or Right of Entry Agreement, after the agreement has been executed.
Pollution Liability – If construction involves any hazardous materials, a $1,000,000 single limit/$2,000,000 in aggregate policy is required.
Worker’s Compensation Insurance – Within statutory limits and not less than $1,000,000 per incident.
The certificates shall evidence the insurer’s knowledge of the proximity of applicant’s operation to active rail tracks. Insurers must have an A.M. Best Company rating of no less than A: VIII and be licensed to do business in California.
If the project does not involve railroad right of way, the following insurance requirements apply.
Commercial General Liability Insurance – $2,000,000 per occurrence/$5,000,000 in aggregate; the policy shall include RCTC and its officials, officers, employees, agents and consultants as insureds and shall contain no special limitations on the scope of coverage or the protection afforded to these insureds. It will be primary with respect to any insurance or self-insurance programs covering RCTC, its officials, officers, employees, agents and consultants. The insurance will also contain standard separation of insured provisions.
Pollution Liability – If construction involves any hazardous materials, a $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 in aggregate.
Worker’s Compensation Insurance – Within statutory limits and employers’ liability insurance with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) each accident.
Insurers must have an A.M. Best Company ratings of no less than A:VIII and licensed to do business in California.
1. Can a preliminary set of plans be submitted for RCTC review and response prior to the plans being finalized?
A preliminary set of plans may be submitted for RCTC review and response. However, the applicant will be charged engineering time for each review and a review of all final plans is required. No preliminary or final review will begin until the $6,000 License or $1,000 ROE fee is submitted.
2. What constitutes final plans?
One set of final plans must be “wet stamped” and approved by the jurisdictional agency (Caltrans, County, City, etc.)
3. Does RCTC grant easements or permits?
No. RCTC grants Licenses and Rights of Entry, but not easements or permits.
4. Can we enter the property with verbal approval if the use is very short term?
No. All entities and individuals entering RCTC property MUST have prior written agreement in the form of a Right of Entry or License.
5. How is a public agency defined?
Public agencies are those organized under Local, State or Federal law. Public utilities are not considered to be public agencies.
6. Does RCTC allow billboards on its property?
In July 1997, the Commission adopted the policy of not allowing new billboards on RCTC property. Existing billboards have been allowed to remain at current fair market value prices.
7. Can I submit one application for a line or facility that is part of one project but crosses RCTC property multiple times?
A separate Supplemental Application and set of plans must be completed for each use of RCTC property. One General Information Form may be completed with multiple Supplemental Applications attached.
8. How do I get BNSF licensed?
The BNSF licensing course information can be found at contractororientation.com.
9. Do I need to apply again if my Right of Entry expires?
If you require a time extension on your Right of Entry, and if the terms (type of use and area required) are the same, you may request an extension in writing. You must obtain RCTC approval in writing
There are opportunities for joint development at rail station property owned by the Riverside County Transportation Commission. For this purpose, joint development is defined as a real property asset development and management program intended to secure the most appropriate private and/or public sector development on RCTC-owned property at and adjacent to Metrolink commuter rail stations and corridors. To facilitate this RCTC has developed a set of Rail Station Joint Development Guidelines.
RCTC’s review generally may take up 12 weeks from the receipt of a complete application package. If the project or plans require revision, additional review time will be required after the plans are resubmitted. Plan requirements are provided in more detail in the Application Package section. If railroad right of way within 25” of centerline is impacted, an encroachment permit from SCRRA is required. SCRRA’s contact information and requirements can be found hereMetrolink Engineering and Construction.
When the application has been approved, a License or ROE agreement will be drafted by RCTC, reviewed by RCTC’s legal counsel and 4 copies will be sent to applicant for signature. Once the signed copies are received from the applicant, RCTC will sign the documents and send the applicant a fully executed agreement.
An annual fee for Licenses will be determined by RCTC based on the type, location, and area impacted by the project or use.
After the agreement has been fully executed, applicant will need to provide 5 days notice to the RCTC Property Agent prior to beginning construction. If operating railroad right of way is impacted, the SCRRA ROW Encroachments Coordinator must also be given 5 days notice. Further inquiries may be directed to the Property Agent at 951.787.7141.