0523 Point 91ECOP Banner

RCTC to Study Adding New Lane to Eastbound 91 in Corona

The Point: Future eastbound lane is intended to improve traffic flow from…

Perris Downtown Station

$15.5 Million Awarded to RCTC and Metrolink for Double-Track Project in Perris Valley

The Point: State Cap-and-Trade funding advances RCTC’s ongoing efforts to…

Construction crew working no highway project in Riverside County

RCTC Seeks Federal Funds for Passenger Rail and Highway Improvements

The Point: Requests totaling $24 million would advance projects to offer more…

0323 71 91 Construction

The Road Ahead: A Message from the RCTC Chair

It’s 2023, and RCTC is off to a great start. I am humbled and honored to…

0223 Highland Springs Project Banner v2

Feedback Wanted for Design Options to Improve I-10 Highland Springs Interchange in Banning, Beaumont

The Point: Join RCTC on February 27 for an open house to provide input…

0223 Point 2022 1591 ELC Featured Image

Progress: 2022

The Point: RCTC Annual Report showcases transportation project delivery, public…

1222 Point CTC Meeting Banner

California Transportation Commission Visit Allows RCTC and SBCTA to Showcase Projects and Discuss Regional Needs

The Point: December 7-8 meeting shines light on Inland Empire highway and rail…

0622 60TL After

2022: Project Milestones and Looking Forward

The Point: RCTC has delivered significant transportation solutions this year…

0722 Measure A Cover v2

Measure A Provides Needed Support for Local Streets and Roads in Riverside County

The Point: Revenue from voter-approved half-cent sales tax measure helps cities…

0622 Point Funding

Shifting Gears on Transportation Policy

The Point: The State wants to fight climate change by shifting people to buses…