The Point: RCTC awards $6.9 million in funding for 12 bicycle and pedestrian projects throughout western Riverside County and Coachella Valley
The Riverside County Transportation Commission recently approved funding for 12 bicycle and pedestrian projects in nine cities under the SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program. The program is administered by RCTC and funding is derived from the state’s Local Transportation Fund (LTF). Every two years, RCTC releases a call for projects in which all local agencies within the county can apply. During this year’s funding cycle, the Commission received 29 project proposals from 18 agencies competing for the $6.9 million in available funding.

Eligible projects include, but are not limited to, the engineering or construction of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, maintenance of bicycle trails, restriping of bicycle lanes, development of bicycle and pedestrian master plans, and bicycle safety education programs.
After careful review, the Commission approved several projects that include street improvements, new bikeways, and a planning study to help shape future development. Nine cities from across the County, including the Coachella Valley, the Temecula Valley, and western Riverside County will be receiving funding.
The 12 projects that were awarded SB 821 funds include:
- City of Jurupa Valley – Pacific Avenue Active Transportation Project ($690,120)
- City of San Jacinto – Lyon Ave. Pedestrian Safety Improvements ($374,948)
- City of Corona – Bicycle Master Plan Update ($400,000)
- City of Indian Wells – Fairway Dr. Complete Street Bicycle and Safety Improvements ($690,120)
- City of Indian Wells – Eldorado Dr. Complete Street Bicycle and Safety Improvements ($690,120)
- City of Menifee – Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge ($690,120)
- Cathedral City – Whispering Palms Trail Class III Bike Routes ($690,000)
- Cathedral City – Perez Rd Class IV Separated Bikeways ($510,000)
- City of Riverside – Citywide Pedestrian & Bicycle Improvements Project ($671,887)
- City of Riverside – Stover Avenue Sidewalk Improvements ($594,500)
- City of Temecula – Pauba Road Sidewalk Improvements ($362,600)
- City of Hemet – FY 23/24 Various Street Pedestrian Improvements ($536,786)
Projects that were awarded funds will contribute to public safety, multimodal access, and expansion of commuter options in Riverside County.