Less Traffic is No License to Speed
The Point: Slow down and keep our construction crews safe With fewer people on…
RCTC Awards Contract to Design, Build Connection between 91 Express Lanes, 15 Express Lanes
The Point: Design work starting now and construction to start in 2021;…
I-15 Railroad Canyon Road Interchange Project Ready for Construction
The Point: Long-awaited construction in Lake Elsinore to start late this……
California Transportation Commission approves final funding piece for I-15 Railroad Canyon interchange in Lake Elsinore
The Point: Long overdue project is on horizon Hallelujah! Construction is…
Studies Underway to Improve Mobility on I-15 from Corona to Lake Elsinore
The Point: Public Comments Encouraged, October 21 to November 22 For several…
RCTC Puts Brakes on Study of New Express Lanes
The Point: Study to be postponed for about two years A study to weigh the…
Ginormous Girders are on the Go, Perris to Norco
The Point: Using girders manufactured off-site improves quality and safety,…
Conveyor Belt System Improves Safety, Efficiency during 15 Express Lanes Construction
The Point: Overhead transport of concrete reduces thousands of truck trips…
November 22 is Last Day to Submit Comments for Proposed Extension of I-15 Express Lanes to Lake Elsinore
The Point: Send comments by Friday using website or email Did you miss last…